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  • Writer's pictureHarmonya UPLB

Audition TODAY and be part of Harmonya UPLB's musical family!

Simply upload your audition videos in the Google Forms below (instructions included): with the filename <Name_Instrument_HarmonyaAuditions>. Kindly introduce yourself in your video and mention the name of the piece you will be playing, and we'll get back to you!

Frequently Asked Questions Q: Who can audition? A: Anyone enrolled in UPLB: undergraduate, graduate, or exchange program students. Yes, we are accepting graduate students, too!

Q: What instruments do you play? A: We play the violin, the viola, the cello, the guitar, the bandurria, the octavina, and the double bass.

Q: Can I still audition even if I don't know how to read notes? A: Yes! After passing our auditions, we'll teach you note-reading as part of our training for new applicants.

Q: Does my audition piece have to be classical? A: No, any piece will do.

Q: What if I don't have my own instrument? A. Usually, we lend auditionees an instrument of our own, but since we cannot reach each other physically, you will have to have your own instrument or you can borrow from someone near you.

Q: For guitar auditions: Do you accept a strumming-only piece? A: No, plucking or finger-style is required for us to assess your skill-level.

Q: Do I need to memorize my piece? A: No, you may use a music sheet.

Q: How long should my piece be? A: One minute may do.

For any more inquiries, feel free to message or text Xavier Lapiz at +639556885910, or reach us at any of our social media sites below:

  • Facebook: Harmonya: The String Ensemble of UPLB

  • Twitter: @harmonyauplb

  • Instagram: @harmonyauplb

  • Subreddit: r/harmonyauplb (if you want to ask anonymously!

We're excited to meet you, our future family members!

Pub by: Katherine Arquio

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Upload your audition videos in the Google Forms below (instructions included):

with the filename <Name_Instrument_HarmonyaAuditions>. Kindly introduce yourself in your video and mention the name of the piece you will be playing, and we'll get back to you!

Frequently Asked Questions Q: Who can audition? A: Anyone enrolled in UPLB: undergraduate, graduate, or exchange program students. Yes, we are accepting graduate students, too!

Q: What instruments do you play? A: We play the violin, the viola, the cello, the guitar, the bandurria, the octavina, and the double bass.

Q: Can I still audition even if I don't know how to read notes? A: Yes! After passing our auditions, we'll teach you note-reading as part of our training for new applicants.

Q: Does my audition piece have to be classical? A: No, any piece will do.

Q: What if I don't have my own instrument? A. Usually, we lend auditionees an instrument of our own, but since we cannot reach each other physically, you will have to have your own instrument or you can borrow from someone near you.

Q: For guitar auditions: Do you accept a strumming-only piece? A: No, plucking or finger-style is required for us to assess your skill-level.

Q: Do I need to memorize my piece? A: No, you may use a music sheet.

Q: How long should my piece be? A: One minute may do.

For any more inquiries, feel free to message or text Xavier Lapiz at +639556885910, or reach us at any of our social media sites below:

  • Facebook: Harmonya: The String Ensemble of UPLB

  • Twitter: @harmonyauplb

  • Instagram: @harmonyauplb

  • Subreddit: r/harmonyauplb (if you want to ask anonymously!)

We're excited to meet you, our future family members!

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